The Importance of Home Visiting

Cute baby
Home visiting is meeting parents or families where they are most comfortable.

At MCC, we know that a new child doesn’t come with an instruction manual. Partnering with MCC home visitors, who we call Advocates, can help. Evidence-based home visiting programs, also known as in-home services, are proven to have a significant impact on a parent's prenatal and postpartum health. A healthy upbringing starts at home and children deserve the right to thrive in an environment where they are most comfortable. Home visiting programs can deliver care to every parent’s doorstep, benefiting both parent and baby. 

What is Home Visiting? 

Home visiting is meeting parents or families where they are most comfortable. This includes their homes, communities, or even virtually. Home visiting encompasses a variety of services and resources including: 

• Mental health and well-being support 

• Parenting and health education 

• Early childhood care and school readiness

• Breast/Chest feeding and lactation support

• Newborn care including safe sleep education 

• Assisting with enrolling in public benefits and connecting to community resources 

Home Visiting Benefits 

Home visiting programs can help every child reach their full potential. Effective, evidence-based home visiting programs can potentially lower the risks of child abuse and negligence. 

Moreover, home visiting supports parents’ overall well-being. Home visiting helps reduce the chances of postpartum depression.  It’s easy for postpartum depression to go undetected if you don’t recognize the signs. If feelings of sadness or numbness exist for longer than two weeks after birth, a birthing person could be experiencing postpartum depression. Home visiting provides a parent with support, helping to alleviate, eliminate, or decrease the chances of postpartum depression.

Implementing home visiting programs provides a unique opportunity where interventions can occur, increasing chances of better outcomes for families. Addressing these issues through home visiting can also help children reach developmental milestones, strengthen family engagement, and encourage bonding. 

Help your child reach their full potential and developmental milestones by partnering with an Advocate today.
