FY'25 State Budget: Investing in Maternal and Child Health

The Pennsylvania state budget determines how much money will be allocated to various agencies and programs, which means it impacts everything from childcare to affordable housing. This is why the quote “budgets are moral documents” exists. Funding impacts how accessible resources, programs, and agencies are and how well they can perform. Our state budget’s investments, or lack thereof, reflect our elected officials’ priorities.
On July 11th, our $47.6 billion Pennsylvania state budget for fiscal year 2024-2025 was officially enacted.
What are some of this year’s PA State Budget investments?
Maternal and Child Health
$4.9 million is invested in maternal mortality prevention, which is a $2.6 million increase.
An additional $7 million is invested in obstetric and neonatal services.
Rural hospitals are receiving a $10 million one-time supplemental payment, and $17.5 million will go to rural health redesign and distressed hospitals.
The Children’s Health Insurance Program funding increased by $4.1 million.
Early Child Care and Education
There is no increased investment in evidence-based home visiting.
Pre-K Counts is receiving a $15 million increase, and funding for the Head Start Supplement Assistance program increased by $2.7 million this fiscal year.
There is a $9.1 million increase for Early Intervention Part C (serves infants and toddlers) and an additional $32.9 million for Early Intervention Part B (serves children ages three to five).
An additional $26 million is invested in Child Care Services.
A tax credit for businesses that helps employees pay for childcare was passed.
What’s next?
We were disappointed that a statewide Paid Family and Medical Leave program did not get passed with the state budget enactment. Maternity Care Coalition will continue to fight for Pennsylvanians to have access to a universal paid leave program. We will also continue our commitment to advocating for increased investments in maternal health and evidence-based home visiting. To learn more, click any of the links below.