Explore Philadelphia with Lizzy and Grandpa Joe through our children's book "You, Me, Kindness, and Equality"

You, Me, Kindness, and Equality! / ¡Tú, yo, la amabilidad y la igualdad! is MCC's first-ever children's book! This delightful board book, authored by Nahjee Grant, takes young readers on a heartwarming journey through Philadelphia with Lizzy and Grandpa Joe. Promoting values of diversity, community, and kindness, the book aims to spark meaningful conversations between children and adults.
Bilingual in Spanish and English, this book is ideal for children aged 0-3. The beautiful illustrations enhance early literacy and cultural awareness and each purchase directly benefits MCC’s programs for families and children.
Don't miss out on this limited edition! Order your copy today and join us in spreading kindness and equality.
Along with books being made available for purchase and at community events, MCC has been distributing a copy to every client family! This project has been made possible by generous donors and supporters, including PNC Grow Up Great.