Caps Off to the Newest Montco Mamas Doula and Perinatal Community Health Workers!

MCC has over 20 programs and initiatives that work with families in Pennsylvania and Delaware. One initiative based in Montgomery County, called Montco Mamas, focuses on improving the health and well-being of Montgomery County-based Black and brown birthing people, infants, and their families.
On Saturday, December 16, 2023, Montco Mamas hosted a Doula and Perinatal Community Health Worker Training graduation with 24 students, the largest graduating class so far! The 27-session training started October 18, 2023. During the last nine weeks, the class dedicated their evenings and Saturdays to becoming trained doulas ready to serve their communities!
Having completed their training, graduates are now able to support their communities, ensuring the needs and concerns of birthing people are heard and addressed while in labor, during birth, and postpartum.
MCC is proud of our graduates and thankful for the care and support they will provide.
If you or someone you know is interested in participating in our next Doula and Perinatal Community Health Worker Training, email [email protected].